
Greg Montgomery

College Station MS Head Band Director

Greg Montgomery is currently in his 10th year as the Head Band Director at College Station Middle School.

Mr. Montgomery attended West Texas A&M University previously known as West Texas State University. While there he received his bachelors degree in Music Education and then a Master of Arts degree with an emphasis in conducting. During his time at WTAMU he played one season as a member of the Amarillo Symphony and taught lessons for Amarillo ISD, as well as numerous other surrounding cities. He began his formal teaching career as an assistant director at Midland High School. After one year at MHS he moved to San Jacinto JH where he help to revive the program and bring it back to success.

After two short years at San Jacinto he moved to Amarillo to be near his “wife to be” Kelly Mowrey. He taught at Bowie Middle School for five years. While there he rebuilt a struggling program and achieved a level of success never before realized at that campus, earning multiple first divisions at UIL contest, and festivals in the surrounding area.

A year after the birth of his first child he moved to Montgomery Texas, in Montgomery county where he taught at Montgomery JH (you can’t make that up). He took over a young but growing program at the Junior high where the band earned its first and second sweepstakes ratings in the history of the school.

After four years in Montgomery he was lured to College Station by friends Michael Dixon, Tim King and Jon & Kristen Seale where he is currently the band director at College Station Middle School or CSMS. During his time at CSMS the band has grown into three ensembles which consistently earn sweepstakes ratings. The program also continues to have steady growth.

You may email Mr. Montgomery at

Zane Taylor

College Station MS Assistant Band Director

Zane Taylor is in his 2nd year as Assistant Band Director at College Station Middle School.

Mr. Taylor attended Texas Tech University where he received his Bachelor of Arts in Music Education.  During that time he served as percussion instructor for multiple area junior high and high schools. Among his college highlights were a year with the Glassmen Drum & Bugle Corps; multiple opportunities to perform with the Lubbock Symphony Orchestra and the honor of being a charter member of the Texas Tech Steel Drum Ensemble.

Near-completion of a Master’s Degree in Museum Science was blissfully interrupted by marriage to his now-wife of 21 years, Kimberly, and acceptance of his first teaching position as Assistant Director of Bands at historic Lubbock High School in Lubbock, Texas.  

Three years at Lubbock High were followed by the last 19 years as Associate Director of Bands at Bryan High School in Bryan, Texas.  This was time enough to witness multiple Sweepstakes for the program overall, as well as a string of First Division ratings for Mr. Taylor and the Bryan High Symphonic Band and multiple awards for excellence in marching percussion.  He is particularly proud of his roles in establishing the first-ever steel drum and competitive indoor percussion ensembles in the Brazos Valley, in 2001 and 2007, respectively.

He is prouder still of his role as ‘Dad’- first to Noah, in 2002, and next to Zoe, in 2004.  Noah is starting his high school career as- among other things- a percussionist in the CSHS Cougar Band.  Zoe is currently an 8th grader at CSMS, playing clarinet.

Though sad to leave the amazing students of the Viking Band, Mr. Taylor is among friends with Mr. & Mrs. Montgomery, Mr. & Mrs. Seale, Mr. Dixon and Mr. Eaks. And, given that Mrs. Taylor is beginning her 11th year as music specialist at South Knoll Elementary, the Taylor Family is at once all together again in CSISD.

You may email Mr. Taylor at